Be like Hemi the weka. Sorting your waste is easier than it looks.

We are reviewing our Waste Management(external link) and Minimisation Plan and a new bylaw.

A Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) is our proposed strategy for how we as a community can better manage rubbish and recycling on the Chatham Islands, Mayor Monique Croon says.

The plan, which covers a six-year period, highlights that much work has been done since the implementation of our previous WMMP in 2014. This work has included the closure of three dump sites, the development of a waste transfer station at Kaingaroa, a materials recovery facility at Te One, and a landfill at Owenga. In 2022 it was estimated that about 26.5 tonnes of recyclables were diverted from landfill, representing an overall diversion rate of just under 5%.

Through the drafting of this plan, we have looked at how we could address issues and meet future demand. There are a number of key opportunities to help the Island achieve its waste management and minimisation goals, Monique says.

One of these opportunities is to also introduce a Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw. The introduction of this bylaw would be new for the Island.

There are several issues with the current waste management service which a bylaw can help address, Monique says.

An opportunity to help address these issues is the introduction of a waste collection service. Diverting rubbish from our landfill is the only way we can minimise how much waste goes into the ground. Tackling household rubbish first is the biggest opportunity to minimise and manage waste to landfill for the Chatham Islands.

Our contractor Fulton Hogan has proposed changes that would include an 'at the gate' rubbish collection, like waste collection activities on the mainland. Further engagement with the community on this would follow the adoption of a bylaw, which provides the framework for this type of activity to possibly occur in the future.

"For now, I’d encourage you to look at both the draft plan and bylaw and tell us what you think," Monique says.

Lots of material, including copies of the documents and a statement of proposal (a handy summary of the documents) can be found on our website, along with a copy of the submission form.

Submissions closed 4.30PM Friday 21 July and the new WMMP will go before Council on 31 August for approval.

Download the documents